Saturday, May 19, 2012

Family pictures/Back to blogging

I'm Back!!!  Yes I have neglected my blog for over a year.  I could give excuse after excuse about why I haven't blogged but thats BORING.  Truth is, we have been busy.  I'll try to be better(no guarantees) at blogging. I'll start by sharing some new family pictures. Enjoy!

Monday, May 2, 2011


It seems like Spring has been a little fickle this year. It is Spring for a day or so....then it decides to be winter again. Well, we have been trying to take advantage of every nice day and do some fun things. (none of these are in order....sorry)

Miss Addy got so excited for her Easter Basket

Easter Egg hunting at Great Grandma's house

Side note........We took a trip out to California in March for Cameron's cousins wedding. We stopped by Grandpa Mac's house so he could see Adalee.

Kera, Mike, Cameron, Me

At Andrew and Ashley's wedding.

Cameron and Adalee at the Candy store in Old Sacramento

Grandma Denise and Grandpa Ron

We went with my Family to Moab the first week in April. Adalee loved it! Mostly she loved crawling/walking on all the rocks, and eating them too. We had tons of fun exploring new trails on the 4-wheelers.....but not Adalee :( She's not quite old enough yet. Maybe in a few years.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Valentine's Day

Yes I know Valentines was a few weeks ago, but I had to do a quick post about it. Valentines landed on a Monday, which was awesome for us because It was my week off and Cam always has Monday off. Cameron surprised me in the morning with flowers and chocolate. Yum! I surprised him with a romantic dinner. My plans on this changed a few times....I originally was going to make Cameron dinner myself, then I decided to hire my awesome brother(who is an amazing cook by the way) to come make dinner at my house, Then plans changed again, which turned out so cute. My Family did such a good job at pulling this all off. They turned their house into a gourmet restaurant.

Rebecka was the hostess/waitress. She checked us in and seated us at our private table in the basement.
This awesome restaurant had a free day care too! Addy enjoyed some play time while ate in peace.

Compliments to the amazing chef(Martin) and his helper(Rebecka).

Cam and I enjoying our dinner. On the menu: Steak, Coconut Shrimp(delicious) rice, and corn. Sparkling cider to drink and Yummy Red Velvet cake for dessert.

After dinner we went upstairs to hang out with the family. Grammy gave Addy her Valentine's day presents.
Thanks family for such a fun night. Thanks for taking my idea and running with it! It was awesome!

All About Adalee

Oh, I love this girl. She is growing up too fast!!! Here are a few fun things this girl can do now.

-She stands on her own for a few seconds,She can stand longer(record is 1 min. 30 sec.) but she would rather crawl and get somewhere.
-Loves to play peek-a-boo. she holds her blanket over her head and pulls it down so we will say 'peek-a-boo'....and she giggles and giggles. She finds her self so hilarious.
-She is a good eater. She loves her baby oatmeal, and baby yogurt the most. She is also starting to eat more 'big people' food. She loves bread and mashed potatoes.
-She says dada.....still not sure if she connects who dada is, but she loves to say it. She only says mama when she is sad and wanting something. go figure. haha
-She would walk around all day as long as someone is holding her hands. the minute you let go, she sits.
-She loves to climb on anything and everything. My bed isn't very high off the ground and she has already figured out how to climb on it.
-She plays patty-cake. she is really good at clapping and just recently learned how to 'throw it in the oven' with her hands in the air.
-She can wave "bye bye" but only when she really wants to.
-Her stats at her 9month old check up were: 28 1/2 inches long (90%) and 16lbs. 9 oz. (15%)

Addy playing patty-cake and showing us "throw it in the oven"

I love her giggles. She is so funny!

oh dear

Yes I know, I'm a big time slacker. I've neglected my blogging duties. But rather than try to catch up I'll just SUMMERIZE things since December. Then I'll start fresh and try to be a better blogger.

We really have been doing well. Adalee continues to grow like a weed. (her 9 month post to follow soon) I feel like we've been so busy, but don't really have anything significant to post about. We enjoyed the holidays and got spoiled, espically Miss Adalee.
I got a new calling. I was sad to leave my cute Beehives, but am excited to now be working with the Activity day girls. They are so full of energy and they are so cute.

I'm drawing a blank on anything else news worthy.......

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Adalee and Kenny

I watched my friend Leslee's little boy Kenny Thursday and Friday. Adalee LOVES him. Kenny is about 3 1/2 months older than Addy. She follows him everywhere. She wants to do everything Kenny does. It's so cute. They like to steal each others binkys and pull on each other while standing up.....I guess its a Love/Hate relationship. These two are so's the pictures to prove it. :)

Lunch time

Look at that Handsome little guy

I enjoyed having Kenny over.....but I would DIE if I had twins. I would have to hire a nanny. To you parents who have twins.....I so much admire you. Its a lot of work!!!!

We loved having Kenny over to play, and Adalee loved having a partner in crime!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Growing Girl

Miss Adalee is growing SO fast. It seems this last month she has grown especially fast.

At her 6 month check up she weighed 14lbs 3 oz. (15% for her age) and was 27 1/4 inches long(85% for her age) She is still my long and skinny baby. She could still wear 3 month old clothes if her legs weren't so darn long.

This is how I find my little Monkey every morning now. Standing in her crib with a huge grin! Sometimes it's a "I'm hungry cry" and then a smile. What a great way to start my day.

She sits all by herself, however she won't sit for too long- she would much rather be crawling and getting into things. Oh, and this is no army crawl or scoot.....this is full on crawling as fast as she possibly can. Such a silly girl. Sometimes she will giggle and squeal while crawling because she is so excited with herself....and it's adorable

She can hold her own bottle now, but if you hold if for her, she will gladly let go. Her Grammy insists on always holding her bottle for her so she won't grow up too fast. And we let her.....that's what Grammy's are for. :)

This picture makes me sad and laugh at the same time. This is a picture from when Adalee was sick. And you can tell she just doesn't feel good. Poor baby had 2 ear infections back to back. We survived and she is feeling much better.

She is all smiles! Such a happy baby!

This is Adalee at Thanksgiving. She got to try mashed potatoes, yams and her Gerber baby turkey. She is getting better at eating. For a while she just stuck out her tongue to try to taste everything instead of swallowing.....I think we got it now. Some of her favorites are squash, rice cereal, and bananas. We tried spinach and it didn't go so well, We'll have to revisit that one another day.

We love watching this little girl grow and learn.......but it also makes us miss our little newborn.